Systems saved Don’s business—and grew it by 255%.
Don Weaver, SameDay Heating & Air
Salt Lake City, UT
Salt Lake City, UT
Don started SameDay Heating and Air with industry sales experience. He felt he knew everything about the technical work of his field and could run his own business doing just that. But for 15 years, he struggled. He couldn’t manage it. He couldn’t grow it. He couldn’t make it profitable. In all that time, he’d never truly made money. During one six-month period, he didn’t even earn a paycheck. Don realized he needed help.
I think everybody goes through sleepless nights—no money, worries about how to pay a bill. We owe more money than we have money in the bank. Someone won’t pay us. It’s just on and on and on.
Don Weaver, SameDay Heating & Air
Don always felt that the problem was people—specific employees who wouldn’t do what he wanted. No matter what he tried, Don couldn’t get his team to do things his way. Working with an EMyth Coach, he discovered that wasn’t it at all. The deeper truth was that Don didn’t understand how to create a systematized business that would set his people up for success.
Thinking systemically, looking at things systemically, changed our whole view on everything.
Don Weaver, SameDay Heating & Air
For a well-established company like SameDay, change can feel like moving a mountain. Don’s team had been doing things their way for 15 years. They took pride in their expertise, so resistance to change was natural. But with the help of his Coach, something big happened: Don started to see how a business should operate. He began to see why they truly needed systems and processes, and how to build them into the business.
EMyth taught us to structure our business and to define responsibilities. It’s so much more fun to go through life with real goals and feeling like you’re accomplishing things.
Don Weaver, SameDay Heating & Air
To predict and plan for the future, Don needed to measure performance, something he’d never done. He worked with his Coach, Susan, to build a set of clear tracking systems—including a financial system—that enabled his team to monitor performance every single day. Now, they can see their pace and if they’re on track. And if not, they can fix it.
To help recruit and retain good people, Don built a strong leadership team whose primary focus is to develop their teams, be responsible for the bottom line, and manage the budget.
To build a business that works—and keeps working—you have to work on it. Don worked through the EMyth Program once to integrate the systems and structure his company needed to grow. Then, after seeing the impact on his business and life, he enrolled his entire management team in EMyth Executive Coaching.
Don’s life is different now. He’s no longer a “cog in the process.” If he doesn’t feel like going to work, he doesn’t go to work. Now, when Don works, it’s because it’s fun. Instead of carrying multiple mortgages on their home, Don’s family owns two homes—one of which is in the mountains near a pristine trout river where he can fish all day long. But the biggest difference is simple: Don doesn’t lay awake at night worrying about money anymore. Changing how he did business helped him escape his endless struggle.
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