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6 advantages of buying an existing business

Little gets our entrepreneurial spirits soaring like the vision of ourselves as the CEO of a successful startup. Whether you’re brand new to business or a serial entrepreneur, the allure of starting out from nothing and then building a world-class business is a thrilling concept. But we can’t ignore the risks. Sta...

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EMyth Team

Are you a good leader—or just a busy one? We're all micromanagers now.

The original EMyth call to action was simple and powerful: to grow your business you have to free yourself from the technical work so you have room to lead. If you’re an architect trying to grow your firm, you won’t get there spending all day at the drafting table. But that kind of obvious technical work is just t...

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EMyth Team

How does your business stack up? 9 key elements to small-business success

The results are in - and the 2013 State of The Business Owner (SOBO) Report is live. We wanted to share one of the report's key findings. Here's a preview of the "The Ownership Stack" - a powerful set of best practices successful business owners are using to grow their business in today's rapidly changing economy....

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EMyth Team

Is your management style killing productivity?

It takes a while for obsolete ideas to die off. There's one that I'm surprised to see is still very much in circulation. It's a management philosophy that's responsible for most of the dysfunction that exists in the business world. It goes like this:

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EMyth Team

The stone in your hand

As was famously said, you can't solve a problem at the level of the thinking that created it. Whether you're struggling with slow sales, low morale, or bleeding cash in your operations, the current issue has roots that go far deeper than the surface issue - the "symptom."

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EMyth Team

3 keys to heart-centered leadership

Most business leaders and professionals lead with their head. It mostly works, and nobody will criticize you for it (usually because that’s the way they do it). But you’re paying a huge price every day in the form of stress, stagnation and self-doubt, in ways you might not realize. Leading by heart is a whole othe...

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EMyth Team

Are you ready for marketing?

Spending time (you don’t have) and money (you need for other things) on marketing before you’re ready is the Achilles’ heel of many entrepreneurs. That’s part of the reason why it’s the last point of emphasis in what we call the Seven Dynamics. Here’s what you must do first:

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EMyth Team

Work and life don't balance

Work-life balance is impossible. In fact, it might be the most insidious and counterproductive idea in the business conversation today. Here’s why:

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EMyth Team

Culture is bigger than chaos

Can your culture handle chaos? As a business, your ability to handle chaos is dependent on the strength of your culture. With the way the business world is, chaos is not something even your best planning can expect to avoid - it just happens. Your culture is a different story. This is where you can fundamentally c...

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EMyth Team

Face your blind spots

Last Wednesday, Jonathan talked about the Metaphysics of Change. Let’s dive a bit deeper into accountability and blind spots.

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EMyth Team