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5 free tools to organize your business

For most of us, the start of a new year stirs up a sense of momentum. In life and in work, we find ourselves imagining everything we’d like to do differently in the many months ahead, excited to set a plan in motion. This year’s no different. However, with all the challenges that the past two years have brought, the need to reset and move forward may feel bigger, more intense—and maybe even more stressful. When it feels like everything needs organizing, where do you start? Here are our top five organizational goals (and guides!) for entrepreneurs to help you hone in on where to begin.

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Set your big goals for the year

To create a business that really works, you have to be able to envision it. Our 2022 guide to annual planning will walk you through the process of assessing where you want to be at the end of 2022, and help you chart out the steps to get there. It’s not too late to get this process started.

annual plan workbook

Find more time for Strategic Work

One of the most fervent wishes we hear from business owners is the desire for more time. As much as we’d love to wave a magic wand and add four more hours to your day, we also know that wouldn’t really help. Because if you’re not managing your time well now, more hours aren’t going to make a difference. The Time Management Handbook includes all our life-changing tips for managing the time you do have so that you can make the most of it. Let 2022 be the year of no more distractions.

Download EMyth Business Coaching Time Management Handbook

Create an organizational structure that frees you

Most business owners we know wish they had a team that did things the way they want them done. One of the most important steps in creating this kind of team is identifying everything you do for your business, and then creating roles for others who can take on those responsibilities. This guide will help you do just that—through the process of creating an organizational chart. Maybe your roles have changed since adopting a hybrid remote work policy, or since creating new positions within the team. If you already have an org chart, take this opportunity to make sure it still fits. If you don’t, it's time to make one.

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Develop the right supports for a productive team

Once you have an organizational chart, you need to build and develop the team that fills it. We’ve designed countless tools and processes that help our clients create the high-performing teams they’ve been dreaming of, and we’ve packed them all into this free guide

Download EMyth Business Coaching Improve Team Performance

Start systematizing

The ability to systematize is one of the most transformative skills that you can develop as a business owner. If you can’t create consistent and replicable systems, you can’t free yourself from your businesses’ dependency on you—and you can’t grow it. And you’d probably like to do both those things this year. So, start systematizing. This guide will walk you through the process.

Download EMyth Business Coaching Systems Guide

What are your big goals for 2022? If you'd like help laying them out, connect with us today for a free coaching session.

Kirstin Fulton

Written by Kirstin Fulton

Kirstin Fulton is the Content Manager at EMyth, where she partners with every department to develop content that inspires and educates business owners on their entrepreneurial journey. Her experience lies in writing and producing digital and print media for various industries, developing corporate events, and building immersive curriculum for both academic and business environments. She’s passionate about serving the EMyth community—our clients, Coaches, and colleagues—through writing that brings clarity, guidance and enthusiasm to the everyday.
