I am a family physician in Old Saybrook, CT. After being in a group of four doctors for twenty-five years who had no desire or ability to deal with the business side of the practice, the practice dissolved. This required that we had to capitalize the dissolution with our families money. After 25 years of hard work and a busy practice it was hard to grasp how this could happen.
Facing a new practice, a colonial building in need of repairs, a loyal staff and patient base, I realized I had to learn to be an entrepreneur which was going to take an enormous undertaking. While I realized that the ideas in the book were helpful, my practice would need a personal approach to achieve the practice goals that I had yet to define.
Now my entire practice is involved in the EMyth Coaching program. I am half way through and my coach, and the material, has brought us along in many ways that I never would have thought possible. As a 54-year-old family doctor (a.k.a an experienced technician), I have learned how to create a future for my business, mentor my staff, analyze our financial statements, read an excel and quickbooks spreadsheet, and create systems for every part of the practice.
My coach's skill as a teacher and constant encouragement has taught me so many things I never thought would be possible given my relative accounting phobia, limited Internet skills and limited vision.
My staff and I have been empowered in many ways and we have a system for analyzing every problem which is amazing. At our office Christmas party my office manager gave a speech and quoted my EMyth Coach by name several times in describing the excitement that we all have for the practice. I am so appreciative of this opportunity and strongly recommend the program.
Learn more about Susanna Thomas and Family Medicine Associates