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business owners talking about making a self-sustaining business

Build a self-sustaining business

If you’re fortunate enough to have taken your company on a journey through all of its highs and lows for 5, 10, even 20 years or more, chances are you’ve had those moments when you wished your business weren’t so damn dependent on you. No matter what you’ve achieved, most business owners know in their heart that i...

Ilene Frahm - EMyth

Ilene Frahm


Managing Employees

5 min read

How employee benefits help your business

As you grow your business, it’s hard enough to know when it’s the right time to bring on that next employee or how to compensate them. When you add benefits to the equation, these employment questions are among the most complicated issues business owners have to address. Benefits can be expensive. It’s easy to fee...

Ilene Frahm - EMyth

Ilene Frahm

targeting your ideal customer

Discover your ideal customer

Seth Godin once said, “Everyone is not your customer.” And he’s not wrong. While your potential market may consist of everyone in theory, not everyone is your ideal customer. For small business owners, the idea of turning away customers can feel foolish. Why would you narrow down the pool of people who may want to...

Tricia Huebner - EMyth

Tricia Huebner

business turnaround, how to turnaround a failing company

Work ON it: From financial crisis to profit

Most business owners don’t start off with expert knowledge in business finance. In fact, many owners we speak with still manage their books out of a checkbook register. (If this sounds like you, don’t worry—you’re in good company.) There are plenty of things that hold people back from diving into finance—fear, dis...

Kirstin Fulton - EMyth

Kirstin Fulton

how to systematize your business, steps to systematizing your business

How to start systematizing your business

As a business owner, sometimes the hardest part of the job is knowing what decisions to make. Maybe you look to other businesses you admire and wonder: How do they do it? How are they finding the right customers, or building such a recognizable brand—and doing it with the same unwavering efficiency every single ti...

Tricia Huebner - EMyth

Tricia Huebner

aria studios, kolby moser

Learn to be a great manager

If there’s one thing most business owners struggle with (okay, aside from creating a budget), it’s the transition from managing no one to managing everyone. Most clients who come to us simply don’t want to deal with management responsibilities—period. They hope (and act on the belief) that if they hire good people...

Kirstin Fulton - EMyth

Kirstin Fulton

does business coaching work, is business coaching worth it

The only business coaching model that works

If you’re reading this, chances are you already know a bit about business coaching. You may even recognize that you need something like coaching. At the very least, you know that some change or transformation has to happen in your business, because it’s just not performing how you want it to or giving you the free...

Remy Gervais - EMyth

Remy Gervais

business vision

Work ON it: Develop your vision

If you’re familiar with the “E” in EMyth, you know that most businesses aren’t started by Entrepreneurs at all. Entrepreneurs are people who go into business with a vision of a company that doesn’t rely on their own ability to make, sell and deliver it. Most businesses are instead started by Technicians. Technicia...

Kirstin Fulton - EMyth

Kirstin Fulton


The unhealthy financial behaviors that damage your business

Business owners aren’t finance experts. It’s a sweeping statement, but as a business coach and business owner myself, I know the truth of it. One of the beautiful things about owning a business is that you don’t have to be an expert in everything—you just need to have the right experts at your fingertips. This is ...

Kirstin Fulton - EMyth

Kirstin Fulton

small business finance, how to finance a small business, small business money management

The three relationships you need to build your Finance System

Business owners aren’t finance experts. It’s a sweeping statement, but as a business coach and business owner myself, I know the truth of it. One of the beautiful things about owning a business is that you don’t have to be an expert in everything—you just need to have the right experts at your fingertips. This is ...

Paul Bauscher - EMyth

Paul Bauscher

simple business systems, building a business system, creating systems that work

Business Systems

2 min read

How strong are your business systems?

When small business owners find a moment to catch their breath and take a look at where everything stands, they'll sometimes find that there’s a gap between what's happened in their business and what they hope's to come. As a business coach, I often help my clients build the bridge between those two points, helpin...

Tricia Huebner - EMyth

Tricia Huebner

business owner burnout

How to get off the gerbil wheel: The Otterbox story

If you own a business, you’re probably familiar with the feeling of being stuck on a gerbil wheel. It’s that perpetual state of expending all your energy just to keep your business running without ever making forward progress. It’s a feeling all business owners face at some point, and unfortunately most get stuck ...

Kirstin Fulton - EMyth

Kirstin Fulton

strategic business objectives, annual plan, annual planning, how to structure business goals

You have an annual plan. Now what?

The first month of 2021 is behind us, and I’ve spent a good deal of it meeting with clients to revisit the annual plan they created late last year. If you haven’t sat down to review your own goals for the new year, now’s a great time to pause and check in. And it’s not necessarily to check progress on those goals,...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

boss onboarding new employees, employee onboarding process photo

Hiring Employees

5 min read

Start employees off strong with a stellar onboarding process

When you’re a small business owner, you know all too well that the only constant is change. And chances are, you’ve had to make some major shifts in your company in response to the pandemic. One of the biggest areas of change universally has been adapting how we build, train and manage teams—all remotely. And that...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team