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Managing Employees

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Managing Employees

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How employee benefits help your business

As you grow your business, it’s hard enough to know when it’s the right time to bring on that next employee or how to compensate them. When you add benefits to the equation, these employment questions are among the most complicated issues business owners have to address. Benefits can be expensive. It’s easy to fee...

Ilene Frahm - EMyth

Ilene Frahm

discussing an action plan to improve team performance

What it really takes to improve employee performance

As a business coach, I have a unique view into the daily frustrations that occupy most business owners. More often than not, when I ask a new client what’s overwhelming them most in their business, they narrow in immediately on their employees. I hear things like:

Tricia Huebner - EMyth

Tricia Huebner

work from home, remote work, what is remote work, how to work remotely

How to go remote in a hurry: Lessons from an all-remote team

When EMyth went fully remote last year, we had the benefit of time to support our transition—time to research, develop and implement an action plan so that we could be as successful a remote team as we were an on-site team. In this current moment of the coronavirus crisis, when remote working has become at least r...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team


How to cultivate leaders you trust

Okay—let’s say you’ve taken all the necessary steps to build a self-sustaining business. You’ve made a clear decision to do it, and you’ve let your desire build. You’ve let go of unproductive beliefs and are thinking like an Entrepreneur. You’ve come to see your business as a process designed to produce a desired ...

Ilene Frahm - EMyth

Ilene Frahm


Here’s how to build a high-performance team

For employees to perform well, they need to know what results they’re responsible for achieving. Position Agreements make this easy. They outline the specific work required for each position in your company so everyone knows their roles and responsibilities. And our free guide to Writing Position Agreements shows ...

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5 questions to ask yourself before delegating

Do you ever ask an employee for something you requested several days earlier and get a puzzled look? Or get the response: “I didn’t know you wanted it today.” Or even more baffling, the employee tells you: “I don’t know how to do that.” These are the kinds of answers that cause many owners to hesitate when delegat...

Steve Edkins - EMyth

Steve Edkins